Natal Midlands Dwarf Chameleon – Bradypodion thamnobates
The largest dwarf chameleon in the province reaching close to 200mm.
A generally greenish with yellow or orange sides, individuals may have black sides with exquisite blue tones.
Favouring hedge rows, dense bushes, reed beds, venturing into indigenous forests and have been documented occuring in Blue Gum tree plantations. Juveniles prefer tall grasses.
Field Notes:
This large chameleon has impressively formed dorsal spikes, gular crests and tubercles along the body. They can be found in large numbers and be locally abundant where they occur, in an area which commonly received frost and snow fall in winter. Undoubtedly is one of the most beautiful chameleons in South Africa, which unfortunately means these chameleons are highly prized in the pet trade and are often illegally collected and numbers are exported overseas.