Spotted Rock Snake – Alopecion guttatum
Averaging 40-50cm and may reach 70cm.
Variable across its range where it may be feeble spotted or heavily spotted in the east of its range. A series of symmetrical dark brown spots outlined in black across the dorsal. In Namaqualand they are light brown/tan.
Favouring rocking regions from dry arid areas in the Karoo and Namaqualand, costal montane regions in the Cape and montane ridges and Kloofs.
Field Notes:
The Spotted Rock Snake can be locally abundant where it occurs in suitable habitat. A beautifully marked snake favouring rocky area’s with a short flat head is perfectly adapted for residing in rock cracks, under rocks and rock fissures. Where it hunts lizards, geckos and known to take fledgling birds. Seldom seen due to their secretive nature they seldom attempt to bite but will hiss and coil repeatedly.