Peringuey’s Adder – Bitis peringueyi
Averaging 20-30cm may reach close to 40cm.
A small adder with a pronounced typical adder shaped head where the eyes are positioned on top of the skull rather than on the side as with most adders. Usually orange, light sandy brown/yellow with a series of yellowish blotches down the back. Restricted to the shifting sand dunes of the Coast of Namibia and Angola, these desert dwelling snakes are extremely well adapted to life in the inhospitable dunes. Often sheltering in small dollar bushes and just beneath the soil where the temperatures are significantly cooler. They with move across the hot sand in a typical S shape motion which lends to their other common name “side winder”. Bites are uncommon although people do occasionally get bitten when the snake is accidentally stepped on or handled. Symptoms would include pain, swelling and necrosis.
Anti-venom is not used or effective in the treatment of these bites.