Prosymna sundevallii | Sundevall Shovel Snout| Tyone Ping
Adventure, Africa, Bradypodion, Cape Town, Chameleon, Field Trips, Herpetology

The Western Cape – Forests to the West Coast.

Adventure into the Western Cape. Relatively speaking it’s been a quieter year for a multitude of reasons, the usual suspects – time, work and a few others all hinder the ability to make it back into the Western Cape it’s been almost a year since I was last in Cape Town so it was about time […]

Namibia | tyrone Ping |
Adventure, Africa, Dangerous Snakes, Desert, Harmless Snakes, Namibia, Photography, Road Life, Travel, Uncategorized

Namibia – The Great Adventure Part 3

25/11/2017 Another earlier morning, I photographed and caught a few Namib Rock Agama’s, Boulton’s Day Geckos and Barnard’s Namib Day Geckos and a few more Marbled Rubber frogs. Then released all of the geckos and agamas headed to the main house and chatted with Rene over some tea. We then walked around where she often […]

Africa, Dangerous Snakes, Harmless Snakes, Herpetology, Reptiles, snakes, South Africa

Snakes in South Africa

Common Snakes In South Africa. There are currently approximately 170 species and sub-species of snakes found in South Africa. Although the chances of you encountering a snake in the wild are relatively uncommon. Including people such as avid hikers, hunters , fisherman and cyclists. In most cases you may catch a glimpse of a snake […]

Adventure, Africa, Bradypodion, Chameleon, Field Trips, Photography

A Whirlwind Trip To The Karoo.

It’s been just over two years since I was last in the Karoo. Between changing jobs, visiting Namibia late last year and the previous year, not to mention visiting West Coast as often in the last two years. Needless to say It’s been neglected in my travels the last few years. With Friday being a public holiday and the […]

Adventure, Africa, Desert, Herpetology, Namibia, Photography, Reptiles, Southern Africa, Travel

Bitis peringueyi – Peringuey’s Adder

Peringuey’s Adder (Bitis peringueyi) Peringuey’s Adder (Bitis peringueyi) These snakes described as common and inhabits undisturbed deserts. A small snake with an average total length of 20–25 cm, its maximum recorded total length is 32 cm. The head is short and flat with eyes located on top of the head. The head is covered with […]

Bradypodion pumilum | Cape Dwarf Chameleon | Tyrone Ping
Bradypodion, Chameleon, Photography, Reptiles, Road Life, Travel

Western Cape Exploration – The Winter Herping

On my previous trip to this area of the Western Cape in February was quite a different experience, in February the weather was hot, dry and relatively quiet on the reptile front with hours spent in the field offering very little rewards. This time around thankfully was a vastly different experience. Earlier in the year I […]