Cape Cobra, Cape Town, Dangerous Snakes, Herpetology, Karoo, Naja, Reptiles, South Africa, Southern Africa, venom, venomous, Venomous, Western Cape

How to identify a Cape Cobra

Cape Cobra and how to identify them. The Cape Cobra is Africa’s most venomous Cobra Field Notes: A large, impressive cobra, which is arguably one of the most variable in colour and abundant venomous snakes in the Western Cape,. It is often referred to as the most venomous snake in Africa. Although a nervous snake […]

snakes found in the cape
Africa, Boomslang, Cape Cobra, Cobra, field guide, Harmless Snakes, Herpetology, Photography, Reptiles, South Africa, Venomous, venomous, Western Cape

Snakes Of The Western Cape

SNAKES OF THE WESTERN CAPE. The Western Cape covers approximately 129 462 km² and is home to forty-one species of snakes, twelve are venomous and bites are considered medical emergencies, nine are venomous but not considered dangerous and nineteen species are non-venomous.

Adventure, Africa, Amphibians, Bradypodion, Chameleon, Eastern Cape, Field Trips, Frogs, Harmless Snakes, Herpetology, herping, Karoo, Kwa Zulu Natal, Lizards, Photography, Reptiles, Road Life, snakes, South Africa, Southern Africa, Travel, Venomous, Western Cape

Trip Through the Garden Route, Baviaanskloof and Karoo.

Long Awaited Trip To The Baviaanskloof. With another public holiday in September I made the most of it and took the day before (Monday) off work so I could have a decent amount of time to get down to do this trip. Although not ideal my Canon Twin Flash system went on the brink and […]

Dangerous Snakes, Durban, Eastern Cape, Kwa Zulu Natal, Photography, Reptiles, snakes, South Africa, Southern Africa

Night Adder or Egg Eater.

Rhombic Night Adder and Rhombic Egg Eater. How to tell the differences between these two common and often misidentified snakes. Rhombic Night Adder – Causus rhombeatus These venomous snakes bite a lot of people, typically who underestimate their demeanour and venom potency. Being mostly active during the day, a short robust snake (average 50-60cm) which […]

Puff Adder Fangs
Durban, Herpetology, Kwa Zulu Natal, Limpopo, Mpumalanga, Naja, Photography, Reptiles, snakes, Social Media, South Africa, Southern Africa, Western Cape, Zululand

Snake Bite In South Africa

The Top Three Snakes Responsible For Medically Significant Snake Bites In South Africa. Snake bites in South Africa are not as common as you would think, annually less than 12 people per annum die as a result of a venomous snake bite in South Africa. To put it into perspective more people die from allergic […]

Africa, Durban, Harmless Snakes, Herpetology, Kwa Zulu Natal, Photography, Reptiles, snakes, Social Media, South Africa, Southern Africa

Green Snakes of Durban

The Green Snakes Of Durban and Kwa-Zulu Natal If you’ve seen a thin green snake in your garden in Kwa Zulu Natal chances are it’s NOT a Green Mamba or Boomslang, but rather of one the four harmless green snakes. Including the 6 green snakes there are eighty-three different types of snakes found in Kwa-Zulu […]

Bibron’s Stiletto Snake (Atractaspis bibronii)
Africa, Durban, Herpetology, Kwa Zulu Natal, Limpopo, Photography, Reptiles, South Africa, Travel

Stiletto Snake – Don’t Get Bitten!

Bibron’s Stiletto Snake – Atractaspis bibronii  One of the top three most common snakes responsible for venomous snake bites in South Africa. With the onset of summer rains across the Eastern parts of South Africa, will bring out the Stiletto Snakes as they are flushed out from saturated grounds and come to the surface after heavy rains. […]

Prosymna sundevallii | Sundevall Shovel Snout| Tyone Ping
Adventure, Africa, Bradypodion, Cape Town, Chameleon, Field Trips, Herpetology

The Western Cape – Forests to the West Coast.

Adventure into the Western Cape. Relatively speaking it’s been a quieter year for a multitude of reasons, the usual suspects – time, work and a few others all hinder the ability to make it back into the Western Cape it’s been almost a year since I was last in Cape Town so it was about time […]

Africa, Dangerous Snakes, Harmless Snakes, Herpetology, Reptiles, snakes, South Africa

Snakes in South Africa

Common Snakes In South Africa. There are currently approximately 170 species and sub-species of snakes found in South Africa. Although the chances of you encountering a snake in the wild are relatively uncommon. Including people such as avid hikers, hunters , fisherman and cyclists. In most cases you may catch a glimpse of a snake […]

Desert, Herpetology, Namibia, Photography, Reptiles, Southern Africa, Swakopmund

Bitis caudalis – Horned Adder

The Horned Adder (Bitis caudalis) was high on my wish-list on my recent trip to Namibia. Not an uncommon species but any means in fact locally they are abundant and can occur in rather high densities as I was to discover. These snakes can be found in the early morning basking amongst small shrubs and on […]