Adventure, Africa, Bradypodion, Herpetology, Photography, Reptiles, Road Life, South Africa, Travel

The Namaqualand Road Trip – Part One.

The Start Of The Namaqualand Road Trip. After a few months planning a +5000km road trip, booking accommodation and trying to navigate leave, getting approval the dates were finally set and I was finally able to get going. I frantically had to tie up some loose ends at work on Thursday 13th December then I […]

Lycodonomorphus rufulus | Brown Water Snake | Tyrone Ping
Adventure, Africa, Bradypodion, Chameleon, Field Trips, South Africa

Exploring the Karkloof Forest.

Lorem ipsum ipsum Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.re Exploring The Karkloof In Search Of Reptiles And Amphibians It really had been a long time coming since I’d made a concerted effort to put some field herping into the “Midlands” […]

Painted Reed Frog | Hyperolius marmoratus taeniatus | tyrone Ping
Adventure, Africa, Herpetology, Photography, Reptiles, Zululand

First Frogging Trip Of the Season – With Wild Volunteers

First Frogging Trip Of The Season – With The Wild Volunteers As it usually happens in any workweek Friday afternoon couldn’t come fast enough and this Friday was no different. Tying up the chaos of a busy Friday afternoon with drinks flowing at work I tied up a few deadlines and headed for the hills…well […]

Cryptactites peringueyi | Salt Marsh Gecko | Tyrone Ping
Africa, Cryptactites peringueyi, Eastern Cape, Field Trips, Herpetology, Reptiles, Road Life, Salt Marsh Gecko, South Africa, Southern Africa

Cryptactites peringueyi – Salt Marsh Gecko

Cryptactites peringueyi  Salt Marsh Gecko. From Cape Recife Nature Reserve, Eastern Cape. Cryptactites peringueyi  Salt Marsh Gecko. From Cape Recife Nature Reserve, Eastern Cape. Cryptactites peringueyi  Salt Marsh Gecko. From Cape Recife Nature Reserve, Eastern Cape. Cryptactites peringueyi  Salt Marsh Gecko. From Cape Recife Nature Reserve, Eastern Cape. Cryptactites peringueyi  Salt Marsh Gecko. From Cape Recife Nature Reserve, Eastern Cape. […]

Africa, Dangerous Snakes, Harmless Snakes, Herpetology, Reptiles, snakes, South Africa

Snakes in South Africa

Common Snakes In South Africa. There are currently approximately 170 species and sub-species of snakes found in South Africa. Although the chances of you encountering a snake in the wild are relatively uncommon. Including people such as avid hikers, hunters , fisherman and cyclists. In most cases you may catch a glimpse of a snake […]

Adventure, Africa, Bradypodion, Chameleon, Field Trips, Photography

A Whirlwind Trip To The Karoo.

It’s been just over two years since I was last in the Karoo. Between changing jobs, visiting Namibia late last year and the previous year, not to mention visiting West Coast as often in the last two years. Needless to say It’s been neglected in my travels the last few years. With Friday being a public holiday and the […]

Adventure, Africa, Bradypodion, Cape Town, Chameleon, Desert, Durban, Eastern Cape, Field Trips, Herpetology, Karoo, Kwa Zulu Natal, Lizards, Mpumalanga, Namibia, Photography, Reptiles, Road Life, South Africa, Southern Africa, Travel, Western Cape

Chameleons Of South Africa

Something so obscure as wanting to find these tiny lizards all across South Africa sounded like an impossible task. But I’m the kind of person that goes all into these types of challenges – Is it even achievable? I’ve always had this fascination with chameleons since I was a child, growing up in Durban chameleons were […]

Durban, Eastern Cape, Green Snakes, Harmless Snakes, Herpetology, Kwa Zulu Natal, Limpopo, Mpumalanga, Photography, Reptiles, snakes, South Africa, Southern Africa, Travel, Western Cape

Green Snakes of South Africa

GREEN SNAKES (Updated 2024) There are 6 species of commonly seen green snakes in South Africa. The Green Snakes commonly seen include. HARMLESS GREEN SNAKES: Spotted Bush Snake – Philothamnus semivariegatus Green Water Snake – Philothamnus hoplogaster Eastern Natal Green Snake – Philothamnus natalensis  Western Natal Green Snake – Philothamnus occidentalis VENOMOUS GREEN SNAKES: Green […]

Africa, Harmless Snakes, Photography, Reptiles, snakes, South Africa, Southern Africa

Common Harmless Snakes Of South Africa

Following on the success of the Common Snakes of Durban post that was compiled here is a much broader spectrum to cover South Africa. This insert below will touch on these medically insignificant snakes, which include harmless (non-venomous) as well as the common mildly venomous snakes which the average South African may come across on a […]